Saturday, December 8, 2007

Time for December...

Good afternoon, because I'm sure it's afternoon somewhere...
It's not December and if you haven't noticed I've acomplished crap since I last wrote. I haven't done a thing. I think I have put myself in a rut. I want to go back to school but I don't have the money and time.... what the fuck! I feel at odds with the world because I haven't got as many friends as I once thought I did. I suppose you realize who is and who isn't really a friend when no one is around. The only ones that sick with you are really there for a reason, the ones that come and go... well, they... they just need to get the fuck out of your life anyway. At the same time you can't help but think, why isn't my phone ringing? It's almost christmas break and no one has even checked on me... What gives? The friends I make now aren't really down to be friends which is a fucking pain in the ass! I JUST want friends I just want someone to play video games with and laugh with and share stupid jokes with.... But at the same time I don't want to be around complete dumbass' and I don't want to be around people who have their heads up their ass and love talking about themselves.

My job. MY JOB SUCKS! I hate everyone at my job. I could give you a run down on each person but that would take too long. Maybe on a later date I'll explain to you each individual, however that isn't today. Recently we got a new boss, on November 1st to be precise. AND he is a dick. He makes me fucking insane! I AM NOT supposed to do all the checking and credit cards and all accounting crap... I'm not paid enough for that shit... I get angry twits on the phone that like to argue with me. I DON'T GET PAID ENOUGH FOR MY SHITTY JOB! ....and I hate people who are kiss asses.... they should seriously get their heads unlodged from my boss' ass.... its fucking annoying. I by the way, am the only one who doesn't want to work there anymore.

My job has made me bitter. The lack of friends and human contact has made me bitter. and the christmas season has made me bitter.

Fuck this crap!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Apparently I'm Still Alive

I haven't written anything in a while. It's not because I don't want to its just because I haven't had the time really.

HOWEVER I have come up with a solution!!!

Since it's fall, and I love fall...only because it's a good season to bake in...
I WILL BAKE! and then I will post pictures on this lovely blogging thing I've started.

...What do you think?
...well, I think it's a good idea.

So here we go, today I will bake something and take a picture and post it the next day...It'll be blogging...'ya know along with the other parts of my life. Everyones life has food in it, so this will be my reason to keep up with my writing and baking!

HOLLA!!! ^.^
Obviously I'm excited,so you should be too! Now you will be able to hear from me on a some-what regular basis. Score! Mark one in the win collum for me.


Friday, August 31, 2007

lets pretend

i wish i was happier, i wish my smile wasn't false... and i wish that when i'm left on my own that i didnt feel so empty. lets pretend i'm happy, because i am not. not at all. not even a little.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Just Me...

I'm one of those people that looks under a cap once you twist it off a bottle. I know it may not, and usually doesn't say anything, but I do it anyway.

I like to walk on gravel, because the crunch makes me smile.

I like the way it feels to turn the pages of a thinly leafed book, and I like the way old ones look. How many different stories can they tell that aren't already written down?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Swan Song

So it's been about a month.

...And my friends are finally leaving me, and I don't mean on a summer vacation, I mean forever. No they aren't going to die. They are moving away and although it's good to get out of the area that we live in, I can't help but be selfish and wish that they stay.

Arizona, it just seems so far away. Although I'm in California and the plane ride can't be more than an hour at most, I can't help but get the feeling like I'm going to lose touch with them.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Don't Take The Tranquilizer!

So recently, actually all of 5mins ago, I realized that the doseage they gave me for my migranes is too big. I am at the moment severely drugged. I had a migrane this morning, which didn't make for a very good morning. I couldn't get out of bed I felt dizzy and pukeish and GOD DAMN I hate migranes.

Apparently the medication that they gave me is supposed to make me feel better. Not the case. I feel dizzy, like if I turn to fast my breskfast will come up. I am trying to occupy my time by typeing this so I won't have to actually focus on how shitty I really do feel. Every burp is scary, is this it? Am I going to puke? Do I need to run to the bathroom?

Oh and by the way if you haven't gathered already, I am at work. I very rarely start these journals while I am at home. Why? Because I have better things to do than sit at a computer and type, when I can be

Friday, June 1, 2007

On Another Wirl-wind Adventure!

Like I said before, you never have control over how and when your heart decides to fall. I mean you might have a bit of an inkling that its going to happen. I tryed my hardest not to fall. I tried not to trip, no studder steps and no fumbling around. However that didn't exactally work out the way I wanted it to.

You know all this though.

As it I was,I was quiet content. Nothing was going wrong with the expection of a few minor set backs. The guy I liked had a girlfriend. UGH! Yes I suppose that is ALWAYS a set back. And I had just gotten out of the worst relationship of my life and wasn't looking to find another one.

How did it all start? Well, I was at WonderCon a dorky comic book event that I have been going to with my brother since I was about 9yrs old. I don't mind though, because I like comic books a lot. It's kind of funny too, since I've been going I can recognize faces from years before. Sometimes they remember me and say the famous line "Do I know you from somewhere?". No, you probably don't. I don't look like the normal comic book nerd, so if you saw me, I think you might just be able to figure out who I was. But then again comic books have changed so much that its hard to tell who's going to be where.

I know I don't fit in with normal comic book girls because,I'm confident. Maybe thats a problem? I don't think it is though. It's almost like I'm the odd one out at a comic book convention since all the other girls have either low self esteem, or super duper high opions of themselves since they have a boyfriend that is their slave. Those poor guys. I am not a slave driver. I am not in love with myself and I don't have low self esteem.

Anyway, back to the point, which is how we met.

While at WonderCon I happend to get a stalker. He was completely out of his mind! He was equipt with a guitar, coke bottle glasses, a snaggle tooth, and the power to creep up on people. I met my stalker while going to my car in the parking garage, he found me and read my shirt out loud. My brother could hear my voice talking to someone, as my brother rounded the corner from paying the ticket to get out of the garage, he found me talking to my newly accuired stalker.

The next day while I was at the convention again (it ran for 3days) I was sitting at the table with my brother minding my own buisness when, there he was. He said some stupid line to the effect of "hey good look'n" with that little tongue snap sound accompanied by both of his fingers being pointed at me like guns. Was I honestly supposed to swoon over that? He asked me if I was going to be around in 2hours because he was going to get his guitar and sing me a song he wrote for me. So I smiled and said "ok come back and I'll be here".

That was a lie.

I didn't think he would return, so in 2 hours when he actually came back around I was shocked. I ran! I told my brother snaggle tooth was coming pointed in my stalkers direction and high tailed it out of there. I ducked under our table and ran under the others until I got to the end of the asle. Man, that was scary! I almost got caught.

Once I was at the end of the asle I did everything short of sprinting away. Ended up wandering around looking for someone I knew, finally I found my brothers childhood friend and asked him to get my phone from the table. Of course he asked why and I told him I fled the scene without my phone to make for a quicker get away, I told him I would stay put if he would go get my phone and bring it back to me. So as any good brother-type-thing would do, he got my phone and brought it back to me, telling me that the creepy guy was still at our table. He told my brother to call me when the coast was clear so I could come back to the table.

So, I was left on my own. I walked around and entertained myself with comic books and toys. But when all of that got a bit boring, my curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to know if my stalker was still at the table. So, I did what any other inquiring mind would do. I peaked around the corner. However, since it was Saturday, which is always the busiest day I could see nothing but people. A huge mass of people that were in my way when I really needed to be seeing down the asle. And just as I was going up on my tip toes, like it would make a difference, someone tapped me.

"Do you like action movies?" "Yes? Why?" I was tapped by Ray. A stunt person who was trying to sell me his dvd. He noticed that I was trying to look down the asle. So he asked me "What are you doing?" so I told him the truth, "I'm hiding from my stalker. He's standing at my table and won't leave!" Which Ray said "Well, you've come to the right place." He put his arm around me and walked me towards the direction of his booth "We are stunt people, if he wants to mess with you, we can protect you." I laughed and then he introduced me to everyone.

He started running down names very quickly, I could hardly keep up. So, instead of walking away, I decided to have conversations with everyone until my brother called me with the good news that my stalker had left. I was having a conversation with some boy who was trying way to hard to be super asian and another guy whos name was Shuan. While I was talking to them, there was an aqward pause, and then he walked into the middle of the circle. "Are you a Happa?" "Yes I am, how'd you know? Are you?". His name was Stephen. He said "Yeah I'm a Happa too, I can tell you are, it's in your eyes".

If ever anyone had me at hello, he'd be it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Here's lookin at you kid.

The days blended so quickly into one continuous day that I wasn't even sure if there ever was a night. I didn't think I could fall, not in a weekend, I hadn't planned on it at least. I figured at the least I would trip and stumble a bit. I tripped before we even got to see eachother for a long period of time, I don't know when I fell. I can tell you when I realized it though. It smacked me so hard I was half expecting to have a plam mark on my face. Once I realized that, then a title wave that felt like I was plunging into an open abyss came over me. My stomach was above my head and it was hard to breathe what is this?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

yet to be finished

So it's been a bit since I wrote. I guess this is me checking in, with who? I'm not sure. I just wanted to give someone an up date. Work is shitastic and it's getting to the point where I have no idea why I even go. Sure there's that whole money thing, but eh, it's almost not worth it to work there. My "grandmother" is off her damn rocker, she repeats herself like ever half second three times! Three times at least! Do you have any idea how annoying that is? Any idea??? It's frickin awful. Especially when you make a mistake... thats repeated like a drunk person numerous times, sometimes loud sometimes mummbled sometimes under her breathe. Talk about a pet peeve, because that is DEFINATELY one of my newly aquired ones.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Pulling The Trigger All Wrong.

What does it look like when you fall?

What's the feeling?

How do you know?

If I want to admit it or not, I am getting into something. What's that something? It's a, crushing, exciting and awful feeling. Why? Well, simply because I wasn't expecting to be falling. And I'm not even falling which is the bad part! I am, tripping? Yes, I'm tripping, since in order to fall, you have to trip or at least not be looking where you were going. I know where I was going... I was going to not like him. However that didn't work out correctly, apparently you have no say in what your heart wants.

How did this all happen? I'm so confused.
Hello _________,
Why aren't you disguraging me from liking you? Why don't you say "I have a girlfriend"? I'd stay away, all I ask is for a sraight answer. It was so much simpler when I was in third grade, Note: " Do you like me? Cirlce one and give it back. Yes. No!" It doesn't work like that when you get older. It should though, it's straight to the point. I think I may happen to be in "like" with you, I'm sorry to say I have no say in it. I've been trying to push away this elation that you make me feel when I hear your voice. I try not to sound like I'm dancing on clouds, but you can hear my smile, you can feel my happiness over miles.
You say "come visit me", I'm sorry I don't think I can do that. Despite the fact you haven't seen or heard from your girlfriend it months it isn't fair to her, and it isn't fair to me. You can call me your friend all you want, but it doesn't make my heart feel for you any less. Just because you havent seen your girlfriend in months, it doesn't make her any less your girlfriend. And as much as I'd love to come and visit you and be by you, I'm torn. Do you understand?
You say you like me, and thats lovely. You say you haven't talked with your girlfriend, great. You say, you're not ready for the drama of the break up, so you'll stay together a day longer, a week longer, a month longer....
Maybe I'm not ready for the drama of a realtionship. Even though we seem like a solved puzzle when we're together... Even though neither of us can look at the other directly in the eyes for longer than 1 minute without looking away... Even though we have the same outlook on life... Maybe we were wrong?
Stranger things have happend.

I kind of wish you know all of this. Too bad you never will, I don't want to steal you from anyone. Maybe this wasnt the correct timing for "us" to happen... and perhaps there was never supposed to ever be an "us", just the idea.

What's it look like when you fall?
Can you keep everything in order?
How heavily do things weigh on your heart?
How much can you take?
When's it stop hurting?
How long will it take?
How long are you willing to wait for someone?
Where's this feeling come from?

Give me something, anything......give me your attention. I hope you know, you're pulling the trigger all wrong.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Friends, family....what's the difference?

Yesterday, was my party. I got to shut a tiki bar and have my friends run wild...

Everyone was handed a Chinese yo-yo, and told it was a free for all. The rules were, you're off limits if your drinking something at the moment...and if you smacked someone then it was ok for them to smack you back as many times as they wanted. =)

Posting and uploading pictures in moments...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Alternative Press Expo. day 1

Today was... A.P.E. I'm sure you have put together that it stands for Alternative Press Expo. I was sitting as an exibitor with my brother. I was supposed to get my act together enough to have my art on the table. Too bad I run on Flipino time. Needless to say I have nothing to show for myself artwork wise... tooo lazy. It's ok I don't mind since I've been sick these past few weeks. Being sick turns my brain to mush, and I am then unable to think straight. As of this moment I'm flying from medicine, I'm too little for my own good sometimes.

Anywho... I'm sick and am out on you, so....

Long story short, A.P.E. is NO WHERE near as fun as WonderCon.

P.S. my brithday passed I'm 19 now =)

Friday, April 6, 2007

Another Day At Work

It is 9:34am and I'm supposed to be hard at work. BUT I am not, why? Because nothing ever happends on Fridays. I work in the office of a moulding company, I answer phones and take orders. At first the job wasn't so bad, I would wake up and get to work at least 7mins before I was supposed to making sure I was prompt and on time. As time went on, I realized that I absolutely hate taking orders. I don't mind the customers, I actually like most of them. However my "grandparents" are a totally different story. They aren't my grandparents, actually only one is biologically related to me, Jim. I don't like calling him "grandpa" because he doesn't deserve the title of it. He was absent for my whole life, and when a girl at his work quit unannounced, all of a sudden I was a hot comodidity. He is just using me because I took the year off to decide what I wanted to do with my life. Apparently he thinks that I want to work for him. He's mistaken.

I was actually tricked into working for my Jim by my father. Damn. Early one Monday morning when my brain hadn't clicked on yet, he said "Hey get ready to go" so I blinked unevenly and rolled out of bed to get ready. Geeze, the more I look back on it the more I shouldn't have been home that morning. Once I got ready I sat in his truck, and said "Where are we going?" know what he said? He said "We're going to Jim's" "Who's Jim?" "Your grandfather" DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

All Quite On The West Coast

It's a 6 days until my birthday, I'll be 19 on the 11th. It doesn't seem like I'm 18, let alone 19. I'm starting this blog because, no one knows of it "Myspace" is so swamped with people that I don't want knowing my business that I'm resulting to blogging else where. Blogging; it sounds so... bleh. I just really need to get a lot out, writting was always an outlet. So hopefully blogging here works.
My name isn't important right now, you'll probably end up learning that down the line. I'm a girl, a tiny girl.
I'm so bored with where I am right now not litterally but in life. It seems like I'm going no where. All my friends went off to college, but I-I oppted to stay here. "Here" meaning the bay area, which bay area? You'll probably figure that out too. I guess the reason I didn't go to college right away was because I wanted to figure out what I really wanted to do in life. What I figured out was that I dream like a 5 year old, I guess that's not a bad thing but it's not to realistic either. The world I have in my head is full of infinet possiblities, unlike most people my age. I still watch cartoons, sit with my feet up on the chair and entertain myself with the small things in life. I guess I'm just a little bit confused at the moment I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing, I know that without school I read as if my life depended on it and I retain things a lot better.
I learned that all the kids I called "friend" aren't really that at all. I guess I can't really keep friends too well. I can make them left and right, but keeping them is different. I never answer my phone, I don't usually go online to IM people and if I do go on AIM, it usually goes something like this:

"Hello missy!"
(30 secs later...)
"wat cha doin?"
(5 mins later...)
"Dude are you there???"

And then, I sign off. I'm not one for talking much on the computer. I mean sure I have my days, but mainly, mainly I just watch people IM me and get sidetracted by some brilliant idea that seems to evade me by the time I sign off.

As for now....
I'm done.

I'm almost positive I'll be back blogging in an hour or more...

Bye for now.
